Employability platform
University - Students - Business - Employment

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Forgot your password? Please enter your username or email address. Instructions for resetting the password will be immediately emailed to you.

Reset Password

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Créer mon compte

All the fields are required

Forgot your password? Please enter your username or email address. Instructions for resetting the password will be immediately emailed to you.

Reset Password

You can access

You can access

Créer mon compte

All the fields are required

Forgot your password? Please enter your username or email address. Instructions for resetting the password will be immediately emailed to you.

Reset Password


Target audience : Students, Public
Manufacture des Tabacs
2024/05/16, 11:00-17:00
Target audience : Public
2024/05/15, 09:30-17:00
2024/04/15 \a\t 14:58
Target audience : Students
2022/07/22, 09:14-17:00
Target audience : Students, Students of Faculty/School
2022/05/23, 12:00-12:00
Target audience : Students, Students of Faculty/School
2022/05/10, 10:00-12:00
Target audience : Students
From 2022/03/29 at 12:00 to 2022/03/31 at 14:42